It is encouraging, in today’s world of politics, to have an elected official, like Ouachita Parish Clerk of Court Dana Benson, who has actually done what she said she was going to do.
As a candidate and when elected Clerk of Court, Benson proposed to make the Ouachita Parish Clerk’s Office more cost efficient and user friendly for the public by:
- Saving money by utilizing one software program, Software & Services, which is much more user- friendly and costs less, rather than two separate systems.
- Maintaining an up-to-date, user-friendly website that gives citizens greater access to information, with a focus on converting to digital records to make information more easily accessible.
- E-filing for the Civil and Criminal Department.
- Providing for more staff training, including cross-training, to have all deputies certified as quickly as possible in order to provide better service to the public.
With the help of her team at the Clerk’s Office, Benson accomplished these goals and more in her first term and has done so without price increases.
About Dana Benson
In addition to her years of business and accounting experience, Dana is the only candidate with 25 years of actual experience in the Clerks Office.
This experience and training gave Dana the skills as the Clerk to reach the goals of delivering online access for the public to file and record documents as well as research records 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This enables users of the Clerk’s Office to still meet their filing deadlines online even when the office is closed.
With your support of Dana, we will continue to have a Clerk of Court who actually does what she says she is going to do for the people she serves.